Chun iL Kim
Associate Professor, Ph.D. P.Eng
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Alberta
10-211 DICE, 9211 116 Street NW, Edmonton, T6G 2G8, AB, Canada
Assistant Professor (Status-only),
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
Tel: (+1) 780. 492. 6927
Fax: (+1) 780.492.2200

Dr. Kim obtained his undergraduate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Dong-A University. He subsequently extended his education by pursuing M.Sc.(2007) and Ph.D. (2012) degrees in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta. His Ph.D. thesis was on the effect of surface elasticity on the deformations of a cracked elastic solid at the nano and micro-scales. During his graduate studies, he held an Alberta Ingenuity award in Nanotechnology and several internal FGSR awards. Following his Ph.D. he joined the research group of Dr. David J. Steigmann at the Mechanical Engineering Department of University of California at Berkeley (UCB) as a NSERC postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Kim has joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Alberta as an Assistant Professor on July 2014. His current research interest involves constitutive modeling and analysis of macro and/or micro scaled structures such as lipid membranes and fiber reinforced composite materials.
Award / Honors
∙ NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships (2012)
∙ Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize (2011)
∙ Dissertation Fellowship (2011)
∙ Korean Canadian Science Scholarship Foundation (KCSSF) scholarship (2010)
∙ First Place Award in Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers Research Competition (2010)
∙ Alberta Ingenuity Graduate Student Scholarship in Nanotechnology (2009)
∙ Brain Korea 21 (BK 21) Scholarship (2002)

1. Paper accepted at the International Journal of Solids and Structures - A model for hyperelastic materials reinforced with fibers resistance to extension
2. Paper accepted at Scientific Report - Deformation analysis of lipid membranes subjected to general forms of intra-membrane viscous flow and interactions with an elliptical cross-section substrate
3. Paper selected one of the most downloaded articles in International Journal of Engineering Science (Impact factor: 9.2, Ranked 7/857 in Engineering journals). "Gradient elasticity theory for fiber composites with fibers resistant to extension and flexure" (Chun il & Zeidi, 2018)
Position available for CSC scholarship applicants
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